Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Let's Get Started!

Before we know it the holidays will be over and the 2024 election year will commence. SHDTC writer Jim Bosman reflects on the recent past and the work we have ahead of us. In the face of so much dysfunction and disinformation, each of us will need to put in time to help share information and our perspective about the good work by so many Democratic leaders, including President Biden.

There has been positive economic and policy news, even as newspaper headline writers often focus on peripheral negatives. The disconnect between good outcomes and what drives views on social media and news sites is not lost on many thoughtful readers. In recent months Washington Post subscribers have begun to regularly take editorial staff to task in the publication's comments section over click-bait headlines that seem misleading, partisan, or simply fail to match up to contents. This is a good development, and seems to suggest that individuals are starting to use their collective voices to create a narrative.

Enjoy the holidays, stay informed, and get ready to work for our democracy.