Bus Information
This is the list of Rally/Skedaddle buses that have been booked. Folks are still looking into information on charter buses. More buses can be reserved based on interest but the goal is to fill all current buses. Information about departure times/location are on the respective websites.
Rally Buses (http://rallybus.net/womens-march-on-washington)
Here are the number of seats left as of a few days ago:
Amherst (7 seats left)
Greenfield (32 needed to confirm bus)
Holyoke (34 seats left)
Northampton (2 buses - 14 seats left)
Pittsfield (2 buses – 47 seats left)
Springfield (20 more needed to confirm bus)
Williamstown (37 more needed to confirm bus)
Skedaddle (https://www.letskedaddle.com/events)
There is one Skedaddle bus leaving from Northampton with 3 seats left.
The national website is now live with a FAQ section. Massachusetts will soon follow. In the meantime, feel free to visit:
Organizers need lots of volunteers to make this event work. If you are interested in helping, they want you! They really need help in Hampden/Franklin counties right now but the more hands, the better. They are especially interested in contacts with local organizations to spread the word about the March and to encourage participation.
All buses will also need bus captains so organizers can stay in touch as we travel down to DC. If you are already a bus captain or if you are interested in being one for one of the departing buses, please reach out.
They will also plan pre-March meet ups so we can all get to know each other as well as to provide first-time Marchers with information about peaceful protest and what to expect.
If you can’t march but want to subsidize another marcher, that option will be available as soon as the MA website goes live.
For march-related questions, please feel free to write to:
Women’s March in Boston
If you aren't able to make it to D.C. or prefer to march closer to home, there will also be a 1/21/17 march in Boston from 12 – 3:00 pm. Please see information here: