South Hadley Democratic Town Committee
P.O. Box 308
South Hadley MA 01075
Date: October 12, 2010 for Immediate Release
Contacts: Sarah Etelman at or Ann Eaton at (413) 533-0346
South Hadley Democrats Welcome All Residents
to Help Elect Democrats on November 2
South Hadley, MA – The South Hadley Democratic Town Committee announced today that all residents of South Hadley are welcome to help elect Governor Deval Patrick, Lt. Gov. Tim Murray, and other Democrats who will be on the ballot on Tuesday, November 2.
Sarah Etelman, Chairwoman of the Committee, said, “Gov. Patrick and Lt. Gov. Murray are working hard to create jobs, improve education, extend health insurance, and invest in clean energy and the life sciences. They deserve to be reelected.”
In October, Committee members are supporting Patrick’s reelection by holding signs, making phone calls, and sending postcards. They welcome all S. Hadley residents to become involved in the campaign.
According to Ann Eaton, the Committee’s Vice-Chair, “Massachusetts is coming out of this recession faster and stronger than other states, because of Gov. Patrick’s leadership.”
Etelman said that the South Hadley Committee is one of the strongest in western Massachusetts and that many of its members are also supporting Steve Grossman for State Treasurer, Suzanne Bump for State Auditor, and Congressman Richard Neal, among other candidates. Many Committee members also oppose one or more of the three ballot questions that will be on the ballot.
According to Eaton, “The Town Committee meets regularly during the year and we welcome any resident to attend a meeting to find out more about the Committee, with no obligation.”
Besides its campaign work, Committee members are involved in community service work in South Hadley and serve on many town boards and commissions. More information is available at
Any resident who wants to get involved in the campaign should send an email to Sarah Etelman at or phone Ann Eaton at 413-533-0346.
The South Hadley Democratic Town Committee is officially recognized by the Massachusetts Democratic Party, which in turn is recognized by the Democratic National Committee.