Monday, May 3, 2010

"Restorative Justice" in South Hadley - May 5 at 7 pm

Absolutely! The more the merrier! See you then, Bob. Emily

Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 14:12:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Task Force invite


I will attend on May 5. May I invite someone who I think would be interested?

- Bob Judge
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Emily Pritchard wrote:

...You are all invited (Tanya can elaborate more...) to join an action group that is newly born! We are called "Count Me In" as of now and we are committed to on-going action that will develop events through out the year for South Hadley community members to work with in a "Restorative Justice" healing model.

The goal is to create a forum for people to be seen and heard - much like our group now, and active and engaging events to work on healing and growth organized with the value framework outlined in Restorative Justice (forgiveness, accountability, respect...) We need people who want to continue this work and put it into action in the community. This will look like whatever YOU can design and inspire us with! Please come and bring a friend...The next meeting is this Wednesday, May 5th at 7pm at the All Saints' Church in the commons. Excited to work with you all and really inspired by your dedication to being positive transformation! Look at us making a difference! Thanks for reading,call or email with any questions.

Emily Pritchard (SHHS Special Ed. teacher)538 5063 ext 4602
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 16:18:16 -0400Subject: Minutes of 4/12 Meeting